šŸ•°ļø Reduce ACOS by 20-25% with Dayparting

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  • šŸ•°ļø Dayparting to optimize PPC spend

  • šŸ§„ How to sell $1.3 million of garlic presses

  • šŸ”Ž How to get brand gated

  • šŸ“š Two new Amazon books from the trenches

  • šŸ§­ Live a better life at a fraction of the cost


Since Amazon bought Twitch in 2014 it has been bleeding cash.

What was the original name of Twitch when it was founded in 2007?

[ Answer at bottom of email ]



Understanding and implementing Amazon PPC Dayparting can be a game changer.

Yet most brands are not using dayparting automation in their PPC campaigns, leading up to 20-25% of ad budget being wasted.

What is Amazon PPC Dayparting?

PPC dayparting is a strategy where you adjust your bids based on the time of day or week. This approach allows you to bid higher during peak hours and save costs during slower periods, optimizing ad spend and improving ACOS.

Why Dayparting?

  1. Cost-Effective Bidding: Research has shown that Cost Per Click (CPC) generally drops at night, making evenings an ideal time to increase bids at a lower cost.

  2. Targeted Reach: Aligning your bids with peak activity times of your target audience can lead to higher conversion rates.

  3. Data-Driven Decisions: Using tools like Amazon Marketing Stream API, you get hour-by-hour performance data, enabling precise bid adjustments.

How to Implement Dayparting

  1. Analyze Your Audience: Understand when your target audience is active. For instance, coffee brands might find mornings most effective, while sleep aids could benefit from night-time advertising.

  2. Use Amazon Tools: Amazon now allows dayparting directly in the Amazon Ad Console with features like ā€œSchedule Rules.ā€

  3. Set Up Budget Rules:

    • Go to the 'Budget' tab in campaign settings.

    • Create a new budget rule and choose the ā€œScheduleā€ option.

    • Specify days and times for higher budgets.

    • Monitor and adjust as needed.

Best Practices

  1. Start Conservatively: Begin with small budget changes and adjust based on performance.

  2. Simplicity: Avoid overly complicated strategies. Focus on major patterns that show consistent performance.

  3. Monitor Regularly: Especially in the initial stages, daily monitoring can provide insights for optimization.

  4. Use Automation Tools: Tools can automate dayparting, offering more nuanced control, like hourly adjustments.


  1. Amazonā€™s Native Tool Limitations: Amazon's tool only allows you to increase bids but not decrease them during off-peak hours. For more dynamic bidding, third-party tools like Atom 11, Intentwise Explore or Scale Insights are necessary.

  2. Complex Analysis Required: Understanding the optimal time slots requires a thorough analysis of data, which might be complex for some sellers.

Adapting to your Product

  • Consider Your Productā€™s Buying Cycle: Products with longer buying cycles might not benefit as much from dayparting. Conversely, items with impulsive buying patterns are ideal for this strategy.

  • Time Zone Considerations: If your customers are in a different time zone than you, adjust your dayparting strategy accordingly.

Dayparting using Amazon PPC is a sophisticated strategy that, when implemented correctly, can significantly reduce ad costs while boosting campaign effectiveness.

Dayparting frameworks and guides

  • How to use the Sponsored Product Hourly Report to set up a killer dayparting strategy.

  • Hereā€™s another good Expert Guide to dayparting

Need marketing assets? Like Yesterday?

Maybe your brand launch is tomorrow.

Maybe you have no hiring budget (been there). 

Or maybe your team is simply understaffed and overworked.

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Yup, Superside hires the top 1% of creatives across the globe, so you donā€™t have to vet freelancers or make any hasty hires in a pinch.

Why Superside?

  • Graphic design, websites, ad copyā€“itā€™s all on-brand and on-time

  • Used by over 450 companies like Google, Meta, Reddit, and Shopify

  • Transparent pricing from the start to save you up to 50%

TL;DR: Itā€™s a design subscription service tailored for MM and ENT companies.

Start using Superside!


Got a problem with counterfeiters, knockoffs or unauthorized sellers on your listing (not hijackers just reselling legitimate units, but real counterfeiters)?

Then you may be able to get brand gated (the next step beyond brand registry) to keep others from selling on your listing without your prior approval.

You have to be brand registered and be able to show a paper trail of evidence showing what you have been doing, such as cease and desist letters (see an example of one here).

You also need to have used Amazonā€™s Report Infringement form to create a history of reported abuse.

You will need a GTIN or UPC, and being enrolled in the Transparency Program also helps.

Use Brand Registry to submit your application and provide all the documents. Waiting time for an answer is usually 3 to 5 weeks.

For more info, check out this article from the Amazon Tools blog.


The garlic press is often used as an example when someone is citing an Amazon product. Credit goes to Scott Voelker, who had one of the very first podcasts for Amazon Sellers and used it as his example back in 2015.

Scott has moved on to other ventures, but Chad Rubin has been around as long as Scott and he recently analyzed the best selling (over 10K units/month) garlic press on Amazon from Zulay Kitchen.

Itā€™s sold by Aaron Cordovez, who spoke at last yearā€™s Virtual Billion Dollar Seller Summit. Heā€™s held the Best Seller badge since 2020, and Chad broke down how he went from launching in June 2019 (and losing $327K in the process the first year) to now generating $1.3 million annually off a single SKU.

One of his keys: constantly optimizing and moving the price around.

Check out Chadā€™s full case study of Aaronā€™s ranking methods.


When people deeply experienced in the Amazon ecosystem write books, they are often worth picking up for valuable insights and tips.

The Amazon Incubator:  Leslie Hensell is the co-founder of Riverbend Consulting. She has personally helped over 1,000 sellers resolve account and ASIN suspension issues.

Most books about selling on Amazon peddle unrealistic get-rich-quick schemes. But Leslieā€™s is different. It offers a practical blueprint for building a long-term, profitable business on Amazon.

Almost Automated Income with FBA: Neil Twa and Reed Larsen have been responsible for more than $100M on Amazon since 2012.

Theyā€™ve compiled a bunch of the best guest interviews and case studies from published podcast episodes and put them into an easy to digest form with tons of insights.

ā†’ hereā€™s looking at you kid

My ā€œwhyā€ has led me to visit 94 countries and all 7 continents. I create my life and work around my life. Not my life around my business.

I hope to inspire you in your journey of business and life with photos, a short video I filmed, and a brief description of my time there.


One of the best things about selling e-commerce is it can provide you with location freedom.

Thousands of sellers travel the world as nomads, moving from place to place every 3-6 months (or even every month). Their lifestyle is fully supported by their online business - something that was not possible 20 years ago.

Other sellers pick up families and move overseas where they can live the life they prefer on the beach, visiting ancient ruins between zoom calls and check-ins on inventory levels or making a difference in lives of those less fortunate.

But they donā€™t have to depend on earning a living where they move - they can let a more consumer-oriented economy like the USA, UK or Germany foot the bill for their lifestyle.

There are events too for digital nomads, like the Nomad Cruise.

Magazines like International Living hold conferences on how to move to another country, and each year rank the best places to retire.

Their list for 2024 includes:

  1. Costa Rica

  2. Portgual

  3. Mexico

  4. Panama

  5. Spain

  6. Ecuador

  7. Greece

  8. Malaysia

  9. France

  10. Colombia

The Cheap Destinations blog lists the best places to live in 2024 where you can get a life upgrade at a lower cost of living than you are used to in the West.

Their list of cheap places include:

  • India

  • Nepal

  • Sri Lanka

  • Indonesia

  • Vietnam

  • Thailand

  • Malaysia

  • Cambodia

  • Philippines

  • Morocco

  • Turkey

  • Georgia

  • Bulgaria

  • Colombia

  • Argentina

  • Ecuador

  • Brazil

  • Guatemala



ā€œWhere you stumble is where your treasure lies.ā€

ā¤ļø When was the last time you told somebody you are not married to that you love them?

See you again on Monday.

The answer to todayā€™s STUMP BEZOS is