🔥 Our left engine is on fire 🛩️

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🌎 I was jolted awake at 4am, 36,000 feet above Central America.

Sorry to wake everyone up,” the captain of the American Airlines 777 says.

Our left engine is on fire. We’re going to be making an emergency landing in Panama City, Panama,” he continues.

Aw we approached, I could see ambulances with lights blazing and fire trucks ready for action lining the runway.

As Mansour points out in today’s newsletter, an airplane is like a small business.

This flight from Buenos Aires to Dallas is just one of my high-adrenaline airplane adventures:

1/ Diverted landing flying ORD to AUS - a passenger was bleeding out

2/ Sudden aborted take-off in Cancun due to sudden funnel cloud

3/ Aborted landing at 100 feet in Sydney due to runway interference

4/ An electrifying journey to Barbados when lightning struck

As my mother says, I’ve cashed in a few of my proverbial nine lives.

It’s all part of my travel tapestry, stemming from my insatiable wanderlust.

Surprisingly, in the US and Australia, only about 50% have a valid passport.

I aim, every Thursday, to encourage you to venture beyond the familiar, believing travel refines us both personally and professionally.

Wanderlust isn't about specific destinations but the joy of exploration. Derived from German, it blends "wandern" (to roam) with “lust" (pleasure).

If you implement just one thing from today’s story, hopefully the parting shot (the one with the whisky glass emoji) at the end of this newsletter will ignite your spirit of adventure.

  • 🏆 This week’s Billion Dollar Dream 100 inductee

  • 🪧 How to better understand Amazon’s Search Query Performance

  • ⬆️ Get a 10% lift on conversions with this AI tool for Amazon

  • 🇮🇳 Fascinating India - also a new sourcing hot bed

  • 💳 What are those reward points really worth?

  • 💵 Prime Big Deals are coming - coupon stack tactic

Wrong tariff codes could be costing you 1000’s of dollars per import

One seller just saved $95,000 per year by fixing a mistake on one SKU!

Get a free audit TODAY to see if you’re overpaying (avg savings 10-17%)

Welcome Mansour Norouzi to the Billion Dollar Dream 100

Mansour Norouzi is today’s inductee into the Billion Dollar Dream 100.

Mansour was born in Iran, but now resides in Canada. He started off selling on Amazon, and is now the Director of Advertising and a partner in Incrementum Digital.

His motto is “speak less, do more.” He’s constantly providing value for the Amazon community, especially when it comes to next-level PPC tactics and strategies.

He often freely shares his findings and the time-saving tools he creates on social media, especially on LinkedIn.

Mansour is a civil engineer by training with wizard-like Excel and data analysis skills. But it’s not just technical PPC stuff he shares to help others. Here’s a great post he made last week:



Overcome these 3 obstacles and you’ll maximize your exit

—> You need to be more profitable on a percentage basis
—> You must be growing fast before exiting
—> Fast growth typically requires more money needed

Learn from the team that orchestrated
eight-figure exits for Helium 10 and Getida

Now is the time to develop a plan to increase profitability by 20% or more as you prepare to exit - the Northbound Group can show you exactly how.

Ask yourself, are you spending even 10% of your time planning for an exit?

You should be - it's where you will make the most money - more than while running your business.

Created $350k of additional profit

"There is no doubt that without Northbound's assistance and expertise the deal would have derailed. They negotiated incredible payment terms with my supplier, facilitating an incredible Q4 and creating an estimated $350k of additional profit (and extra $1,000,000+ at exit)"


If you are looking to achieve a life-changing exit from your business in the next 12-24 months, then the Billion Dollar Exit Summit is for you.

It’s the only ADVANCED e-commerce event focused on exiting.

The Northbound Group (over $500 million in exit deals) has the most advanced Amazon and eCommerce planning and valuation system available today.

The Billion Dollar Exit Summit is an intimate small group workshop-style event where you will work hand in hand with Northbound’s team to potentially make you hundreds of thousands, if not millions more dollars when you exit.

You’ll leave with an exact roadmap specific to your business to maximize the life-changing money you will make from your exit.

💰 BILLION DOLLAR SELLER TIP do this, make more moolah

Why Search Query Performance (SQP) is crucial for Amazon sellers

Here’s something from today’s Billion Dollar Dream 100 inductee that is next-level awesome - thanks Mansour!

Understanding and utilizing Amazon’s Search Query Performance (SQP) is essential for every successful Amazon business. By leveraging the insights provided by SQP, sellers can optimize their marketing strategies, discover new opportunities, and ultimately increase their market share on the platform.

SQP reflects customer interactions with your brand and products on Amazon at both product and search query levels, providing essential data on:

🔍 Search queries at the brand and ASIN levels
📈 Search Query Score
📊 Search Volume
👁️ Impressions (for market and your brand)
🖱️ Clicks (for market and your brand)
🛒 Add to Carts (for market and your brand)
🛍️ Purchases (for market and your brand)

By leveraging the insights provided by SQP, sellers can:

1️⃣ Track market share at the search query level
2️⃣ Discover new search terms
3️⃣ Measure the impact of listing A/B testing at the search query level
4️⃣ Assess the impact of deals and advertising efforts on market share
5️⃣ Analyze cannibalization for branded & non-branded terms
6️⃣ Identify search query opportunities to increase market share
7️⃣ Optimize SEO

Are your ready to unlock the potential of the SUPA Google Data Studio Template Mansour has created for you, for FREE?

→ Here’s the input sheet you’ll need
→ Here’s the Google Looker Studio template 

Watch the walkthrough video to understand everything


With Amazon’s 48-hour Prime Big Deal Days probably coming on October 10-11 (that’s not official - just my guess), you might want to start thinking about your promotional strategies.

Back in July, Mike McClary from Amazing.com shared this interesting tactic:

🎲 AMAZON SELLER FEUD → Test yourself against your peers

BDSN polled 160 Amazon Sellers.

Take your best guess what your fellow sellers thought the answer is to the question below (not necessarily the correct answer).


Name a keyword you think or you know is banned to use on Amazon

Wait a few seconds for the photo below to reveal the top answers.

🛠️ FEATURED TOOLS and RESOURCES → all the kool kids use these

AI Tool helping sellers get 10% lift in conversions

Ecomtent, engineered by an ex-Amazonian, was created specifically for Amazon sellers to produce AI-powered listings and images. It provides realistic lifestyle images (similar to midjourney) with your actual product skillfully placed in the shot.

Plus you can easily generate custom scroll-stopping infographics from your product specs using a vast template library.

The AI is trained on millions of top-performing listings to identify the key elements that drive sales. It creates SEO-optimized, sales-driving product descriptions based on AI training by analyzing top listings in your category.

Users have reported a 10% uptick in conversion rates using the tool.

Wanna know what your credit card points and frequent flier miles are really worth?

Earning points on your credit card from business, PPC or Ad spend?

The Points Guy’s monthly valuations aim to give you a sense of how they stack up. The true answer varies from point to point and person to person. It also depends on your travel goals and how well you can maximize a particular loyalty currency. Still, some rewards are clearly worth more than others.

Surprisingly, the best rewards value overall is on Amtrak, followed by Diner’s Club. Among Airlines, looks like Alaska Miles are worth the most, and for hotels, Hyatt takes the crown.

🧳 TO TRAVEL IS TO LIVE → here’s looking at you kid

My “why” has led me to visit 94 countries and all 7 continents. I create my life and work around my why. Not my why around my business.

I hope to inspire you in your journey of business and life.

“The World is a book. Those who do not travel read only a page.”

St Augustine

I have been to India on two separate occasions. Once spending two weeks in the North, and another time spending two weeks in the South. India just recently passed China as the most populous country in the world.

It’s a love it or hate it kind of place. Extreme poverty next to opulent wealth. One moment you dodging piles of human and animal poop on the pavement, the next you’re walking on some of the most pristine marble you’ve ever seen.

The streets are filled with animals (the cow is sacred), people, sounds, smells, and vibrant colors. The country’s rich history and national pride is on display everywhere.

Varanasi and the holy Ganges river

Varanasi is one of the most diverse, crazy, colorful, and intense places I have ever visited. Some of the 87 ghats along the River Ganges are used for cremations.

It’s one of the most holy places in India, so the sick and elderly come here to die. They are literally burned in public on the river’s edge and the ashes swept into the water. Often where other are knee deep praying and monkeys are playing (see this week’s travel video).

In Mumbai I went to see a Bollywood movie. In the United States, at large gatherings such as sporting events, we sing the national anthem. In India, before the movie starts, you stand and sing the Indian national anthem.

In Khajuraho, a group of UNESCO World Heritage Site Hindu temples are famous for their erotic sculptures.

India has also become one of the preferred destinations if you are looking for alternatives to sourcing in China

Check out these two sourcing trips for Amazon sellers to guide you in India:

1/ Lokesh Parashar has a hosted Amazon buyer program that includes airfare, 7-days hotel and an entire trip cost of just $999

2/ India Sourcing Trip with expert Meghla Bhardwaj and her top notch team:


It’s hard to remember that this day will never come again. The time is now and the place is here. There are no second chances at a single moment.

✌🏼 Looking forward to seeing some of you in-person next week at Amazon Accelerate in Seattle.

Money never sleeps. Another jam-packed issue will be sent Monday.