šŸ’° How to delete fake reviews

Todayā€™s newsletter sponsored by

( replays are available if you canā€™t make it all live )

I already saw one of the tools that was submitted for the tools contest.

Holy sh*t.

It goes something like this (I have never heard of this tool):
ā€œThis Tool Outclicks the Competition: See Who Gets Clicks & Who Doesn'tā€

Things you will learn next week at the Virtual BDSS:

  • Chinese Sellers: Uncovering Their Secret Strategies

  • TikTok Shop Secrets: From $0 to $5 million in 10 Months

  • Amazon Empire Building: Lucrative Amazon Secrets

  • Feedback Loops: Secrets to Amazon Success

  • Breaking the Silence - Strategies that Transform Lives

  • You're Scaling into Bankruptcy or Unlocking Profitability

  • Winning Amazon's Choice & Reclaiming Lost Rankings

  • Seasonal Sales Mastery: Maximizing High Peaks

  • Conquering Hybrid Selling and Mitigating Risk

  • Elevate Your Brand & Sales with Cutting-Edge AI and Digital Strategies on and off Amazon

  • 10 AI Secrets for Massive Amazon Seller Success

  • Skip the Line and Join the Top 1% of Amazon Sellers

  • Marketing Mastery: The Path to Multi-Millionaire Status

  • How to Create a TikTok Empire with Infinite Reach & Sales

  • Turning Ripples into Revenue Waves on Amazon

  • Zero Ad Cost, Double Impact: Traffic and Sales

  • 5 Ways to Exit for More than 5X

  • Hacks from surprise speaker who handles $300 million+

Secure your spot right now! You wonā€™t regret it.

Loads of hacks too (example of past $2,500.00 winning hack):


According to a study by Blue Corona, what percentage of videos on Facebook are consumed without the audio turned on?

[ Answer at bottom of email ]


Jake Martin at Levo has put out a nice explainer video and documentation on how heā€™s been able to remove over 100 fake reviews and ā€œhelpfulā€ votes from listings.

Amazon's recent algorithm adjustment for 'Top Reviews' now prioritizes newer reviews, reducing the barrier against emerging, fraudulent reviews.

This change necessitates vigilance among Amazon sellers to protect their products from being targeted by fake reviews, which can significantly impact sales and brand reputation.

Sellers must be adept at identifying signs of review abuse, such as one-line reviews, poor English, reviews from mismatched demographics, multiple reviews posted in a single day, activity from previously dormant accounts, reposted reviews and copied content.

Recognizing these patterns is crucial for building a compelling case for the removal of such reviews.

Key actions for Amazon sellers include:

  • Monitor Reviews Regularly: Keep an eye out for sudden changes in review patterns or influxes of negative feedback that fit the abuse criteria.

  • Gather Evidence: Document all instances of suspected fake reviews, including screenshots and detailed notes on why each review is suspected of being fraudulent.

  • Contact Amazon Promptly: Utilize the appropriate email addresses for reporting abuse,. Start with the specific abuse-reporting channels before escalating to higher levels like ajassy@amazon if necessary.

  • Cite Amazon Community Guidelines: Always reference specific violations of Amazon's guidelines in your communications to strengthen your case.

  • Use Templates Wisely: Adapt the email template Jake provides to fit your situation, including all relevant evidence and a clear request for action.

Resources and methods for approaching review removals include:

  • Amazon Community Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with these to understand what constitutes a violation.

  • Direct Email Contacts: Use the emails above to report abuse, starting with the most relevant department.

  • `Evidence Collection: Compile screenshots, review histories, and any patterns of abuse as part of your report.

  • Escalation: If initial attempts don't yield results, consider escalating to higher-level contacts, including the Jassy, with a comprehensive and well-documented case.



If shipping goods to the United States were considered an Olympic event, Mexico would be clinching a gold medal.

For the first time in two decades, Mexico outpaced China last year to become the leading exporter to the U.S., as revealed by recent Census Bureau data.

This shift is as much about China's downturn as it is about Mexico's success: The trade deficit between the U.S. and China (the gap between imports and exports) narrowed to its smallest margin since 2010 last year.


Donald Trump has recently mentioned he would consider imposing a 60% tariff on Chinese goods if he is re-elected president.

The main reasons behind this shift include:

  • Tariffs from the Trump era on certain products, along with the Biden administration's environmental regulations, have made imports from China more expensive

  • Political tensions between the U.S. and China have persuaded some companies targeting the American market to establish operations in Mexico instead.

  • The cost of labor in China has increased as the country's wealth has grown.

Is this the end of China's dominance? Foreign investment in Mexico jumped by 21% last year. Other nations are also competing to be America's manufacturing hub: The proportion of U.S. imports from South Korea and India has risen over the last year.

However, China still plays a crucial role in the production of goods shipped to the U.S. Even for American imports manufactured elsewhere, Chinese firms often provide the components, and they have been investing billions in manufacturing facilities in Mexico as a strategy to avoid the U.S.'s heavy tariffs.

Chinaā€™s Alibaba is still the leading tool for sourcing connections and Mexican factories are increasing sourcing parts and supplies there.

A look at where buyers on Alibaba originate:

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According to Joe Shelerud at Ad Advance, the time of day your ad runs on Amazon has a major impact on its performance.

His company recently pulled Amazon Marketing Stream data (10 billion impressions) to review category-level intraday metrics.

He says the data is helpful in guiding advertising strategy, but there are nuances depending on your category.

For example, those shopping for automotive parts have different shopping habits from those shopping for skincare products.

By knowing the specifics for your category and driving more impressions during periods of peak intent and/or cost efficiency, you can generate more sales at higher levels of ROAS from your ads.

His company broke out the metrics for 14 major Amazon categories. If you want the full document (itā€™s 18 pages total) ā€“ shoot him an email saying you saw it in BDSN.


If you check your Amazon Sellers app, you should see a new tool that lets you shoot and create 3D videos for free to use on your listings.

You have to be brand-registered and sell in a category with product types that have 3D experiences on Amazon - like tools, clothing and furniture for example.

Amazon takes about three weeks to create the video and add it to your listing.


For the last several years at The Prosper Show in Lost Wages, Rich Goldstein has worked his magic to get the two-story Barbra Streisand Suite in the MGM Skyloft (she lived there during her residency) and throw a hell of a party.

This year is no different.

Thereā€™s an open bar stocked with adult beverages (including a high end tequila tasting), sushi from Morimoto, music from DJ Tripps and a bunch of smart, cool Amazon sellers networking.

If youā€™re in Vegas March 6, you canā€™t miss this party. Through Friday night at midnight, you can score 75% off your ticket with code BDSN75

šŸ§¾ HOW the RICH AVOID TAXES (legally)

Three ways to save on taxes, from the My First Million podcast with a $250 million dollar founder.

  1. Leverage Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS):

    If you hold shares in a C corporation for at least five years, you can potentially pay no taxes on up to $10 million in gains or 10 times your basis, whichever is greater under section 1202 (QSBS). This applies to founders, employees and investors, making it a significant tax-saving strategy for startups.

  2. Start and Operate Your Own Business:

    The U.S. tax code is designed to favor business owners, offering numerous deductions and benefits not available to W-2 employees. By starting your own business, you can access a broader playbook for tax optimization, including deductions for business expenses, home office setups, and retirement savings plans like the Solo 401(k), which allows for higher contribution limits and tax deductions.

  3. Invest in Real Estate Strategically:

    Real estate investments offer numerous tax advantages, including depreciation, which can offset income and reduce tax liability. Business owners can further benefit by owning the property their business operates in, allowing for additional deductions. Real estate investments can also be structured to take advantage of 1031 exchanges, deferring capital gains taxes by reinvesting proceeds into new property investments.



ā€œWe lost $12 million last year, and weā€™re doing great! This is not a new phenomenon. We are a famously unprofitable company, and we are investing in the future, which isnā€™t unusual.ā€

Jeff Bezos in a 1999 interview with Jay Leno

āœŒšŸ¼ Donā€™t miss the BDSS Virtual summit next week (recordings available if canā€™t make it all live).

Back at you again on Monday ā€¦

The answer to todayā€™s STUMP BEZOS is